
Aug. 23, 2022, 2:23 a.m.

Seedling 3
Seedling 5

Seedling 4

I suppose this should have been foreseen.

The eternal enemy of innocent trees has finally arrived drawn by the smell of dragon’s blood.


They are too late however, to stop Experiment#12.


If you were so concerned about flying in the air, why didn’t you say anything before idiot Tree!

As I was stating, with the correct use of Experiment#12, now formally known as Flying Awesome Tree System. F.A.T.S…

Wait, wait…


Ok, fine we’ll go with that.

Flying Advanced Reality Transformer! Hey, wait a second…

…that is a No. Go.

I’ve got it!



With the Zwhoosh system in place, we now have LIFTOFF!


Ok, fine we’ll just go with Artifact#1, geez your so limiting sometimes, Tree.

With the advanced new hover system our minor foot high seedling is now out of the way of advancing insect legions.

That dragon corpse though…


I agree, they are much faster at consuming it than piranhas would be. Although, in order for piranhas to have a chance we’d have to throw the corpse in water.


Flying insects.

Fire is my Domain, worms.

Gained Title: Insectbane!


What do you mean I’m more trigger happy these days? Where did you even get those words?


And you only NOW mention that we share memories gradually?

There is a serious lack of communication on your end, pal.


What do you mean sharing memories is hard for you?


Oh, because of genetic transfer of information all your memories are pre-packaged deals. Ok, yeah. I see where this situation might be difficult.


Excuse me? How dare you blame my memories as being a sloppy shoddy slipshod quagmire of the trivial and the crucial…

Everything is organized just where I need it!


…hmm, if only I could remember that section on gardening with stone…

Whatever, it will come back to me later!

-2 Mana. Liquid Flame has consumed Giant Spiderx34

Recently, it has been rather difficult to see threats. That’s why I’ve been working on a new method of seeing the world.

Aquired New Skill: Mana Sight!

Bingo! Now I can actually see something besides shades of green. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to look at the world as pure energy, it’s a nightmare.

Put on some tinted glasses.

Go ahead, do it.

Now walk around for days.

That headache you get? Multiply that by a bunch and you have the same feeling I’m constantly working under.

It’s annoying.

Add the fact that my Fire Affinity makes me quick to emotional distress, like anger. Even worse my Lightning Affinity causes me to be prone to snap judgements. Combined with the constant pain, well, perhaps I might have spent a bit too much time learning various methods of melting things as a form of emotinal outlet.

-10 Mana. Mana Flame Inferno Blaze started.

Ah…there’s something calming about watching an entire room go up in flames.

Rustle. Rustle. Russsssssstle.

Hmm. Perhaps I should spend more time in research, your right Tree.

Artifact#1 to the upper levels!


What do you mean that name is cheesy, you picked it!

Seedling 3
Seedling 5