
Aug. 23, 2022, 2:23 a.m.

Dryad 1
Seedling 11

Seedling 10

Mana deprivation manifests itself in terrifying ways.

Headaches that multiply over time.

Whispers in the back of one’s mind.

Then there’s my personal favorite.

Psychedelic Moss.

Oh, mock the Moss if you want, there isn’t anything more terrifying though.

Nothing can hold a candle to multi-color moss that clouds Mana Sight as far as the eye can see devouring reality constantly.

I’m pretty sure it’s just the lack of Mana, although, if it’s not…

Floor 41 officially scares the ever living manure out of me.

“Is this going to be a permanent issue?” Tevril asks from below me.

Ah, yes, due to my beloved Dryad, I’m currently in a spot of recovery.

For some completely bat guano reason Dryad dearest casted an advanced regeneration spell with the last chunk of my mana.

Now that wouldn’t be a problem, I’m all for someone saving my dying roots.

No, the issue is however that the spell was cast when I was being carried atop Tevril’s head.

Why she was carrying me atop her head instead of in her arms, I will probably never know.

All attempts to ask such questions have resulted in tense uncomfortable stares that make me think she might be deciding to try a new diet.


One containing innocent Trees.

So, yes. I have decided it is in my best interests to stop asking.

For now…

“This will probably not be a permanent issue?” I reply to Tevril, using my limited mana to manipulate a tiny flame that mimics the Beast Tongue.

I finally have the ability to communicate with people.

Well, Beast-Kin at least…

Probably for the best, I’ll just keep telling myself that until I’m unable to chat with a busty gorgeous human girl due to language issues.

As a side note, things aren’t all bad.

Due to regrowing a major portion of my Tree, I’m doing some redecorating on the outside.

I now sport the appearance of deep crimson flames, in fact if someone was to see me from a distance I would appear like a miniature burning tree.

What can I say?

People expect the best appearance from the Flaming Red Death Tree.

And I gots to deliver what the crowds need right?

Well, assuming there is anyone to see us on this level…

Dryad 1
Seedling 11