
Aug. 23, 2022, 2:23 a.m.

Seedling 33
Seedling 35

Seedling 34

Chaos is not grey.

Grey is a singular thing, a slice of the eternity of everything.

As such, Chaos, I have found is not ‘grey’ in color, texture, taste, or sense at all.

Chaos has no shape, form, flavor, or identity.

Evolution complete! Mana Tree has evolved into Chaos Tree!

I’m pure white now. My gorgeous blue veins are gone, my flashy sparkly leaves are gone.

I’m eye searing white, and I glow.

It’s not a stable glow either, no, the glow pulses.

In short, I am damn creepy now.

I will probably be mistaken for an Undead tree without a second thought.

Thankfully though, along with my evolution, I have gained a strange property known as ‘Chaos Resistance’ unique to my new form.

At first I thought it was a decrease in power, until one of the nearby major contenders for Jungle Overlord of the Green Lady’s Garden attacked me.

Let me just say…

That poor bastard.

Chaos Resistance is apparently more than just mere magical resistance like the Elemental Resistances I had before.

Chaos, resists, everything.

Except itself…

I found that out when I accidentally melted one of my branches off with Chaos Flames.

Note to self, experimentation should be limited to dead parts of me.

For now.

However, I still have a severe distrust of the Green Lady.

Maybe I’m paranoid, but, am I the only one that thinks kidnapping is wrong?


Your just too nice to her!

We don’t even know her for God’s sake!


Sarcasm is NOT appreciated at a crisis time ok?

All I’m saying is, things are fishy.

And I’m not talking about the stuff that tried to eat us in the lake over there.

There’s something strange going on here, and my paranoia will pay off!

Mark my words!

Seedling 33
Seedling 35