Yami: The Gamer Kage

Sept. 3, 2022, 5:24 p.m.

Chapter 8 Team 11
Chapter 10 Hono

Chapter 9 The Sand

As the gates of Konoha came up in the distance I couldn't help but grumbled, "we could have stayed in the Land of tea for a day. It's like we had to come back home immediately. Besides, what if the hammer guy came back?!"

"Yes, and I'm sure a pretty red haired priestess had nothing to do with your desire to stay in the land of tea," Ko said with a knowing smirk.

"You look at that hair and tell me you wouldn't do the same," I scoffed.

"Yami! You idiot!" Chain threw a dulled kunai at me which sailed past my head, "stop talking about girls like that! It's wrong with you?!"

I shrugged, "hey, I just said her hair's pretty, what's wrong with that?"

She growled, looking away in a huff. Next to her Zumo snickered, "you're in trouble now buddy."

I threw my hands up in a desperate motion, "women, you just can't seem to win."

We argued a little more all the way till the Hokage tower before putting it on pause on Ko's insistence. We waited for our turn before going up to him and giving the completed mission scroll to the Hokage.

"Team 11 returning from escort mission to the land of Tea sir," Ko said as he stood at attention.

The hokage nodded as he read the report, confirming the client's signature, "alright, everything seems to be in order. Payment will be given you all at the registry counter. Is there any significant to report or will I be wasting everyone's time with a debriefing?"

"There were no complications during the mission sir. We encountered a few...nasty characters targeting our client but genin Yami managed to scare them off," Ko reported.

Zumo blinked, "when was this?"

"During my shift," I whispered back him.

"Alright then," the Hokage looked at Ko with narrowed eyes, "what happened after the mission?"

Ko sighed, "we encountered...difficulties."


"There were missing nins from the land of Tea attacking the village we were at. At the time we attended a local festival in the village. We had all gone for a special tea ceremony there when we were attacked by a giant fireball. I managed to erect a mud wall and lock the jutsu, protecting the civilians but during the confusion five self taught ninjas came in and kidnapped the princess performing the ceremony.

"Yami went after them, Zumo and China decided to follow his lead. They managed to capture the ninjas and save the priestess, but then a chunin level missing nin from the land of Tea appeared. He managed to hurt China, but thanks to Yami holding him off I was about to arrive on time and drive him away."

The Hokage frowned, "I see," he turned to me, "you risked your life for this woman you didn't even know?"

I shrugged, "a life is a life. I saw my chance to help and I did it."

"Really?" the man smiled, "Stan Lee's writing has too much of an influence on you."

I shrugged, "maybe."

The man sighed, "very well, Ko, have a written report on my desk by tomorrow, the same goes for all three of you. I want every detail written down, understand?" We nodded, "good, you have a week off for training and recovery, dismissed. Next!"

We left the hokage tower and wen our separate ways. Zumo and I actually escorted China home, where her mother looked horrified at seeing her little girl hurt. Her father on the other hand seemed proud when he hear she was injured saving another girl from being kidnapped. Strange dynamic that one.

Zumo and I parted ways then, with him going home to sleep for three days, his specific words, and I just wanted to rest, the journey was long and I don't care if I didn't have to eat or sleep, I wanted too!

That night I woke up from my nap to see Naruto standing over me with a grin on his face a mile long. He was ecstatic, he demanded I tell him what happened while he cooked dinner, nothing too fancy just some rice and curry.

I told him about the mission and then about the Uzumaki family member I met there which really excited him. I then told him about the attempted kidnapping and he was excited, 'I just knew it! You totally saved a princess!' No matter how many times I tried to correct him and explain it was a priestess, he just wouldn't listen.

That night after midnight I snuck out of my home and went to the park, I activated the first level dungeon and went inside.

I quickly killed everything in there single handedly earning me 1,500 EXP. Not much at all. Anyway, after the forest was clear I could use it for whatever I want and since the rules of a dungeon still applies, I can stay in this dungeon for as long as I want without any time passing by in the outside world.

The reason for this is because I realised I needed to improve my training. I needed to become stronger, smarter. Faster. I took out a fanged dagger with the Flying Thunder God seal on it' shandle. I couldn't use this during my fight with the hammer guy because...because I never used it before.

I was so focused on keep it a secret I never once used it, or experienced how too! I can't just keep this hidden away, locked up, I just know one day I'll be forced to use this and on that day I need to be ready.

So I threw the dagger across the clearing sticking it into a tree trunk. I walked far away and focused, I opened the jutsu menu and looked at it;

Flying Thunder God, S rank

Your can instantly travel to locations with the Flying Thunder God markers on it.

CP cost- 100 CP (for 100 feet)

I turned to the marker, 'let's do this!' I blurred away in a flash of speed, racing the tree trunk, but the forward moment was too much, I was surprised causing me to lurch forward and trip over a root.

I grumbled, picking myself up and sighed, 'practise make perfect.'

A week later:

I spent a week training with the Flying Thunder God jutsus, I won't brag, but I think after six hours of training every day I'm finally beginning to get used to the rapid movements the jutsus demands.

Other than training I did actually spend a lot of time relaxing, since it was my vacation time. I spent it either going to the movies, spending time with NAruto and teaching him his subjects and finally by writing.

By the end of the week I had finished the fifth part of my Justice series, 'the Justice League'. It was a continuation of Batman V Superman where the Trinity, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman gather seven of the greatest heroes in the world to face off against an extraterrestrial dictator.

I included the Flash, Aquaman, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl and Martian Manhunter into this book. I decided to follow Bruce Timm's Justice League origins for this book, I much prefered that over the hot mess that was the New 52.

The story began with Batman following a lead on a possible alien that was captured by the government and being held captive. He would then call Superman for backup and together they would find the Martian Manhunter, who in my book was instead a being from the moon, so I called him the Moon's Manhunter.

I named the Manhunter John, he would inform inform Bats and Superman that he came to Earth to warn them about Darkseid invading. The three would then be attacked by Parademons. Just then Wonder woman would come an save the day.

The four then go around the world finding Mother Box, here I described them as teleporting seals instead of technology. They would go to Atlantis, where they would enlist the help of Aquaman, after saving his city from a few Parademons that come out of the Mother Box.

The team of five would then track the next box down to Central city where the Flash, a very young and inexperienced hero would help them out and insist on joining them.

At this point they gain two Mother boxes and this alerts Darkseid's army, allowing them to send a small army through, turning Central city into a war zone. Things seem difficult, when suddenly a green light appears, it was then I introduce Hal Jordan.

Instead of giving him a complex back story with the space cops angle, I instead made it that Hal wielded the power of the Green, the embodiment of the Earth and all that's living in it. I basically made him a sage that used green senjutsu.

Then came the invasion. The heroes are swarmed by Darkseid's army and Superman is captured. Batman and Wonder woman go to save him while the rest fight off the army on Earth.

While in Darkseid's palace Batman frees Superman while Wonder woman frees another slave on board, a woman with wings like an angel and a mace that sparkled with electricity. Shaera Hawk had been captured by Darkseid's forces, now she wants revenge.

The eight were now united together. Eight heroes, all facing the swarm of evil. And then, finally, Darkseid arrives. I made it the toughest fight yet for them,, even Superman was physically hurt from Darkseid's Omega beams.

But it was Flash who saved the day, by running so fast he ripped a hole in space and time, sending the evil back to where they came from.

The day was saved, the people called them all as heroes. Hawk girl decided to stay on Earth as she had nowhere else to go. John also stays, though now disguised as a human. Flash is recognized as a hero by all and Wonder woman kisses Batman.

Yes. I am a Wonderbat shipper, bite me!

I hoped including the Flash won't make things too...awkward with my Iwa readers. People will think he's based on Minato, considering the name, the speed, the flashes of yellow. They might even go as far as to call it propaganda, since I did have him being the hero at the end of the day.

I remember walking into the publishing house and giving my editor, Baroma, the master copy of the book. He had snatched it out of my hands and quickly began to read it like a man possessed.

In the end he claimed this book just might break all previous records I held. Here's hoping. Either way I was happy, already this cruel world is being influenced by my writings, hopefully people will at least try to be nicer to each other from now on.

And now after a week of resting, team 11 gathered in front of the Hokage tower yet again, ready to take on the world! I'm ready for anything! Bandits! Pirates! Giant talking apes! Bring it!

"Team 11, washing the orphanage's laundry," Sarutobi smiled, almost happy at our disappointed faces.

"B-but C rank!" Zumo cried, tears coming out of his eyes and we all hung our heads.

The Hokage took a puff from his cigar and smiled, "you just started your C rank missions, it's alright to take a break from time to time. Trust me on that. So for the next month, you'll have nothing by D ranks."

"NO!" China, Zumo and I cried out in horror as the older ninjas chuckled at our antics. Fucking old bags of bones!

One month of torture later:

One month of mission, averaging out to 500 per mission and over 60 mission (chores) completed, resulting in 30,000 EXP. So at least I leveled up;

Yami, Little Professor

Level- 32 (16,000/16,900)

HP- 4,750/4,750 (+20)

SP- 2,300/2,300

CP- 2,700/2,700


FIRE- 100% WIND- 100%

Allegiance- Konoha Civilian

STR- 32

VIT- 48

DEX- 48

INT- 35 (+2)

CHA- 57

CC- 131

LUC- 26 (+5)

And the moment I reached a 100% control rate for wind, I gained a surprising new ability! Instead of asking me if I wanted to unlock a third element, instead I was asked if I wanted to combine the two elements I did control, allowing to create a new bloodline!

That's right, I had the option of creating a bloodline limit for myself!

Conditions have been meet: Fire 100% control, Wind 100% control. Would you like to unlock a keki genkai!


Or unlock another element?




Obviously I selected the kekkei genkai!

Yami, Little Professor

Level- 32 (16,000/16,900)

HP- 4,750/4,750 (+20)

SP- 2,300/2,300

CP- 2,700/2,700


FIRE- 100% WIND- 100% SCORCH- 50%

Since I already had 100% control in FIRE and WIND, SCORCH came already half mastered. I tried to create my own jutsus for it, or some kind of training, but the only thing I could do which involved scorch release was lighting a leaf on fire, burning faster that simple fire release jutsu training.

Unfortunately according to the history books there has only ever been one famous user of the scorch release, Pakura, a kouichi from Suna that died quite some time ago. Obviously Konoha had no records of her or her jutsu, so I was stuck with no clue how to train this new new kekkei genkai.

But hey, at least I'm getting a new mission now.

"So, I'm assuming you want a C rank mission," the old man smiled.

"Yes!" I threw my hands up and sighed, "if I have to paint one more damn fence I'll puke! Why do people have so many fences?! They should just learn to get long with people!"

Zumo nodded, "yeah, plus do they all have to be white? Can they be interesting in the least? Have a little more personality than a stone wall?"

Ko nodded as he stepped forward, "we are ready lord Hokage."

The Hokage chuckled, "alright. Now, you have three options mission available, all definitely important and up to your standards of interest, so no fence painting here."

"Oh thank God," China muttered.

"Now, there's first a mission to to the border where you'll be delivering medicine to a village suffering from a plague. Another escort mission to the Land of noodles and a mission to Suna delivering important documents."

"I vote Suna!" I cried out holding up my hand in excitement.

Zumo blinked, "dude, you want to travel in a dessert?"

"It's Suna man! You know how amazing that place is? Another freaking ninja village! Don't you want to know how it looks like?"

Zumo groaned, "I guess."

Ko smiled, "well then if there are no objections," he turned to China who shock hr head, "then I suppose Suna it is."


Quest Alert!

Deliver the important documents to the Kazekage


6,000 EXP

+ 5 skill scroll


All out war between Suna and Konoha

Do you accept?


I smiled as I pressed yes the moment Ko accepted the mission scroll. Of course that wasn't the only reason I wanted to go to Suna;


Quest Alert!

Find more information about your Scorch release!





Suna will brand you an enemy of the state

Do you accept?


We set off the next day, packing a little as possible. I went a step ahead and actually changed clothes, wearing black ninja garbs similar to what Sasuke wore when fighting Gaara, except bright yellow, don't want to die from a heat stroke. I also got a cloak for the sand and some goggles.

Zumo actually laughed at my change in attirer, but then Ko arrived with a clock similar to mine, nodding in approval at my new get up. Thi prompted us to stop by in a nearby village on the border to get China and Zumo a cloak and googled as well.

We traveled at ninja speed, making great time as we crossed into Tani, the land of rivers. There wasn't much to see, a lot of bridges and a lot of rivers, oh and a huge mountain range, but nothing else.

It was two days later when the forest slowly began to die out as we saw the great expanse of desert before us. From then on the trek became...slower. We had to slow down since China and Zumo didn't know how to tree walk, meaning they couldn't channel chakra into their feet to keep themselves from sinking in.

Zumo huffed as he pulled his leg up out of the sand. He looked at Ko and me and growled, "how the hell are you doing that?!"

Ko smiled, "it's simple Zumo, you see, this is the result of an exercise called the tree walking technique. It helps refine chakra control and helps you climb trees. It also can help you from sinking into the sand."

"It's not that hard," I told them as I helped China out of a optically hard sand trap.

"When did you learn it Yami?" China asked in surprise.

"During our week resting," I shrugged, wiping away the sweat on my face from the harsh sun, "I looked it up and bribed a chunin to show me how it's done. I have very good chakra control, so it wasn't all that difficult learning it."

"Hm, I see," Ko said thinking, "well then when we get back after this mission I'll teach China and Zumo the tree walking exercise while you and I can go over another chakra control exercise."

I nodded, "sure," we walked in silence once more before I sighed and asked, "how much further?"

Ko chuckled, "if we keep this rate up we will reach there in two days time."

"ARGH!" I cried out, "that's too long to spend in the desert! There's nothing to do here! Nothing to see!"

"You're the one who wanted to come on this mission," Zumo scoffed.

I grumbled, "yeah, I know..."

"Well then how about we play a game?" Ko suggested with.

"A game?" China asked.

"Yes, a shinobi game," Ko said taking out a shuriken, "I'll throw on shuriken, if you can somehow deflect it back to me with your own ninja tools, that's one point for you, if not, it's a point to me."

Zumo frowned, "what kind of game is this?"

"The kind which helps you learn how to deflect weapons thrown at you," China informed.

"Very good China," Ko smiled, "yes, that's correct, this is not just a game, but training as well. So," he took out two shurikens, "who wants to go first?"

The game was fun, China ended up winning as she scored the most points with my coming in second and Zumo coming third. The Sarutobi really needed to learn how to aim better.

Soon it turned dark and we set up camp for the night inside a cave with me taking first shift. It was a quiet night with nothing notable happening. I did however make sure to leave behind a fanged dagger inside the cave, just in case I ever needed a place to escape. Or dump a body. The middle of the dessert would do just fine.

And then the next day we came upon the village, seeing it off in the distance around noon time. The city was inside a large crater surrounded by large walls and a single entry point. We approached the gates and were immediately halted by the gate guards.

"Stop! State your business here Konoha ninjas!" said the first one.

"Ko Hyuga, jonin, on mission to deliver vital information for the kazekage," Ko stated gathering out ninja ID cards and giving it to the guards who checked them out for a moment before stepping aside.

"Everything seems to be in order," he turned to the gates which were slowly being pushed open. On the other side was a level 42 konichi with bandages covering her hair and the sides of her face. She was dress in a simple sand coloured vest, which seems to be Suna's version of the Konoha's flack jacket.

"Chunin Rovira will be your guide," the gaurd informed us handing us back out cards.

"Please, follow me, don't stray," Rovira informed us, acting as our guide into the village.

We entered for the first time another ninja village. And the moment I did;


You have entered an enemy village!

-20 REP to everyone from Suna

Okay, that was unexpected. Technically on paper Suna and Konoha were allies, but there were ongoing hostilities as people hated the fact that Konoha was more prosperous. This was also the reason Orochimaru was so successful in turning Suna against Konoha.

Rovira took us through the main road, surrounding it on both sides were dull almost sand coloured buildings with rarely any luxury items seen. There wasn't even a proper restaurant that I could see.

"Damn, this place is depressing," Zumo said with a whistle.

I slammed my palm on my head, "you dumb mother-"

"What was that?" Rovira asked, snapping to Zumo with a glare.

"N-nothing!" Zumo gulped. The Suna kunoichi maintained the glare for a moment before dropping it. Ko sighed and turned around seeing Zumo a glare that made the Sarutobi kid shudder, good, he needs to learn not to insult people he just met!

In the heart of the village was a giant tower that looked over the village. On the top I could see sentiers looking out and in ground level were a constant stream of ninjas coming in and out.

"Watch yourself," Rovira ordered as we walked inside, moving through the crowds of shinbi that either stared at us or glared at us. Sigh, fucking hell man.

We walked up to the third floor where we found a receptionist that ordered us to wait, sending a not o subtle glare our way.

We sat down and Rovira disappeared in a bust of sand. Ko sighed as he turned to the receptionist, "can I get some water? It's been a difficult journey."

The elderly woman sighed, "I'm sorry, but we're right now in the middle of a drought. Water is limited."

Ko nodded, "we understand," he turned to us and signed for us to remain silent. Zumo nodded immediately while China and I made no outward motion.

We waited for half an hour before the woman finally called us up, "he's almost finished, it'll just be a moment."

Just then the Kazekage's door opened up and a man dressed in white, a mask covering his face walked out. The receptionist bowed while Ko moved the team away, obviously unsure about the man.

But he should have done more than that...a lot more.

Orochimaru, Snake Sanin

Lv- ?

REP- -50

Holy shit! I did nothing, said nothing, I just watched he walk by, not bothering to even look at our directions. I gulped, scary mother fucker. I didn't even register the woman telling us to go inside, I kept looking back, and just as I entered the office, he turned back and looked at me, narrowing his eyes.

I immediately ran in and shut the door behind me. I almost ran into Ko who motioned me to fall in. Id id so without complaint, praying Orochimaru didn't come in for me.

"Right, so what's this about?" a red haired man sitting behind a desk wearing a white and green version of the Hokage's robes.

Rasa, Fourth Kazekage

Lv- ?

REP- -60

Oh great, he hates us more than normal, this should be fun.

"Lord Hokage ordered us to deliver this information to you," Ko aid as he took a scroll out of his jacket. The Kazekage nodded allowing Ko to approach and place the scroll on his desk before backing away.

Rasa took the scroll, looked it over before throwing it aside, "was there anything else?"

"No," Ko replied.

Rasa nodded, "you can stay in Suna for one night, I expect you to be gone by tomorrow morning, is that understood?"

"Perfectly," Ko replied.


Quest completed!

Deliver the important documents to the Kazekage


6,000 EXP

+ 5 skill scroll

Yami, Little Professor

Level- 33 (5,100/16,900)

HP- 5,00/5,000 (+20)

SP- 2,425/2,425

CP- 2,850/2,850


FIRE- 100% WIND- 100% SCORCH- 76%

Allegiance- Konoha Civilian

STR- 32

VIT- 48

DEX- 48

INT- 35 (+2)

CHA- 57

CC- 131

LUC- 26 (+5)

Points- 5

Luckily for me the reward scroll just ended up in my inventory and didn't appear in my hands in a puff of smoke. That would have caused some trouble for sure. But hey, at least my scorch release was at 76%!

The man waved us away, we walked out and I was so glad that Orochimaru wasn't there waiting for us. Damn, what was he even doing here in the first place?!

Rovira appeared at that point and acted as our guide once more to a hotel right across the kazekage tower. "You have already been assigned a single room," she informed us, "anything further you require will have to be payed out of your own pockets."

"Understood," Ko nodded as she escorted us out of the tower. And then, I saw it. A glowing rock shaped symbol on the tower's walls. A golden symbol similar to the ones the Suna ninja wore.

I quickly walked to it and put my hand on it gaining curious looks from my companions and a cautious glare from Rivora. But I ignored them all;


Congratulations! You have found a legendary spot: Kazekage tower!

Locations found in Suna: 1/5

Select your reward!

+10 points

+10,000 EXP

Suna style battle fan

Random skill scroll

I can't use the battle fan, it will appear in my hands immediately drawing attention to myself. The scroll would also cause some smoke and people here hate us enough and suspect us as it is.

My only options were to use the ten points or the 10,000 EXP. And while the EXP was nice, it wouldn't level me up, meaning the more prudent choice was the points, which is what I selected.


You have gained: +10 points!

"Yami, what are you doing?" Ko asked.

"Nothing, sorry," I said joining them again.

Rovira glared at me and then the spot I touched. Seeing nothing of note she continued to walk and talk, "you cannot leave the building without an escort, though I doubt you would find anything interesting here," she said glaring at Zumo who blushed.

I sighed, "do you guys have a book store by any chance?"

Rovira scoffed, "paper is rare here, so no, we don't."

I grumbled, "that sucks. I was looking forward to reading your guys literature."

Rovira eyes seemed to soften a little at that, "Suna mainly consists of poets, not many novelists come out of our village. We have main collection of poem we are all proud of, you can have one deliver to you from the post office. We don't have a store, but we do deliver custom orders."

I saw an opening, I can use this.

"Hmm, I'm guessing the poem are about sand and how amazing water it right?" I said, "I think I remember one guy….Bashamichi or something, wrote a fantastic piece of his first visit to the ocean. Honestly, after reading that I was glad even for the tap water I used to wash my clothes."

"You have read Bashamichi?" Rivora asked surprised.

I winked, "haven't you heard? Konoha nin are tree lovers. Is it really that surprising that we also like books?"

The konichi chuckled, "no I suppose not."


Your skill has leveled up!

Flirting, Lv- 10 (3%)

Your ability to charm your target to drop their gaurd, confuse them or getting them to like you.

22% chance of it working

+5 REP bonus if works

I smiled, "so are there any other books you can recommend?"

"Depends, what's your favorite genre?"

"Fantasy...or historical figures," I smiled, time to hint at what I want, "I like reading about great ninjas of the past. Like the fourth hokage, he's my favorite."

Rivora nodded, "yes, I suppose he would be. It would take quite a feet to defeat a biju."

I shrugged, "yeah, that's cool and all, but what I like about him was his style. Dude knows how to dress!" This caused the sand konichi to chuckled. I smiled back, "but that's just me. I also read a few of the ninjas you guys have produced. Like the third kazekage? Magnet release? I can't even begin to image what kind of a powerhouse that guy was."

Rivora smirked, "who do you think would have won? The fourth hokage and the third kazekage?"

I groaned, "well...it depends."


"Whether or not they want to kill each other."

"Oh? How so?"

"Well if it's just a friendly spar then the fourth would win easily. The kazekage's powers are deadly, he would have to strain to hold himself back. So the fourth would win easily. But if it was a death match...the winner would be decided on a coin flip."

Rivora scoffed, "oh please, magnet release beats Flying Thunder God any day of the week. All the Kazekage would have to do is destroy those kunais of the Hokage before he could use them."

"But you're forgetting one thing," I smirked.

"What's that?" she asked as we entered the hotel, my team mates following close by.

"The fourth hokage is a seal master," I grinned, "the magnet release is powerful. But if the fourth create a seal which can send out a powerful electromagnetic shock wave, the metal would be demagnetize causing them to become nothing more than heavy sand."

"Such a seal can't possibly exist," she scoffed.

"I bet I can make it in twenty minutes," I grinned.

She raised an eyebrow, "oh really? Is that a challenge?"

"Depends, you chicken Sandy."

"Oh you are on tree hugger!" she grinned, "what are the stakes?"

"If I win you treat me to lunch," I smiled.

Rivora raised an eyebrow, "a date? Really?"

"Yup. Plus I'm hungry," que hungry stomach.

The sun konichi rolled her eyes, "fine. But if I win you owe me your copy of Bashamichi work...you do have it on you yes?"

I nodded, "yep," I carried it in my inventory. It really was a good book. I extended my hand, "deal?"

"Deal," she shock it, "now start sealing tree hugger," she scoffed.

I smiled as I took out and empty scroll and brush. Ko and the others gathered around as I st down in the hotel lobby, placing the scroll on the tea table there and began to construct a seal. Rivora raised an unimpressed eyebrow as she saw the way my brush moved, while Ko groaned, what's bugging him?

"And done," I finished at the ten minute mark.


A new seal recipe has been added!

Electromagnetic shock wave, B rank

Seal sends out a blast of electromagnetic energy that demagnetizes everything within a 20 feet radius.

"How do we know if it'll actually work?" Rivora asked crossing her arms.

I shrugged, "I guess you'll just have to trust me," she raised an eyebrow, "or use it against your kazekage and see if his gold reacts the same way. It is based around the same principles yes?"

Rivora's eyes blinked, "how did you know that?"

I shrugged, "I told you, I know a lot about great ninjas," that made her more relaxed, "anyway, I win, so I demand lunch!"

"Please, we don't' even know if it works, it could be a dud," the sun konich shrugged.

I smiled back, "fine, be that way. But you still owe me a date. And...well, I'm still hungry."

She rolled her eyes and turned to Ko, "you got it from here?" Shit! Shit! I need to talk her and learn more about scorch release.

"Actually, we are really hungry, if you wouldn't mind, could you show us the nearest restaurant?" Ko asked with a smile. Thank you sensei! It's like you read my mind!

Rivora groaned for a moment before nodding, "I guess it's fine," she then turned to me, "but I'm not paying."

I rolled up the seal and put it way, "it's fine, be sandy, see if I care."

She groaned, "oh god, that pun, it's like you think no one has ever used that before," she then took us around, stopping a restaurant that served meals throughout the day.

She sat with us for lunch, she and I constantly exchanging book ideas and the like. Half way through the meal though, I finally decided to approach the topic I was so anxious about.

"You know there are a lot of great stories about ninjas, but not enough about kunoichis," I stated, through the statement out in the open.

"That's true," Rivora nodded as she ate her rice.

"Well, there's wonder woman," China offered.

"She isn't real kid," Rivora shot the girl down, making her blush in embarrassment, "we're talking about real konichis."

"Like Tsunade," I offered, gentle pressing China's hand to make her seem more confident.

"R-right," she nodded.

I turned to Rivora, "hey, I just realised, Suna doesn't really have any famous kunoichi's do they?"

She scoffed, "I thought you liked reading history kid, of course we do! We have Chiyo, the mistress of puppets!"

I shrugged, "anyone else?"

"Hm," she blinked, "oh, yes, we have the Kazekage's own daughter, Temari, amazing wind user."

I groaned, "yeah...well, I don't know about her, but I think I understand what you're saying. Wasn't there also some woman who had a special release? Scorch was it?"

Rivora nodded, "yup. Her nam

Chapter 8 Team 11
Chapter 10 Hono